hehehe....sumpa aku mlas nak update blog,...bknnyer ape....cume...idop aku da smakin boringgg.....xde ape nk citer...hurmphh....
just nk citer, 7 mei lpas, bday akuu...
sume org kat skola wishh...tp xdpt adiah lgsung....sdey jerk....
cikgu po wish gak...
syuhaida blg tepung mase balik....
jht en die tuh.....
then balik umah,...sumorg cm wat bodoh..mmg geram gler..
tp wat cm bese lah...
mlm tu gi mkn chicken chop kat keramat..
jumpe satu family sabah niy....ckp da la cm pondan..plek plak tuh,,,..haish..
then esoknyer, gi skolah...kwn2 sume ckp, epy belated burfday, hadino....
the kne baling tepung dgn mira....
mira geng ngn cikgu n syuhaida nak cmpak tepung kt akuu....
balik umah, nmpak kek...huhuhu.....
kek belated birthday..hihii....
smpai skrg kek tu xabis lg....
nak sikit?
lpe nk pos gmbr....
nti aku ltak gmbr kek tu eah...
k bye.....
ya lbly tebya..
Sunday, May 10, 2009
mlas nak update blog..
Posted by Had96 at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
pengawas n probet amazing race....!!!!!
ouh......last saturday mmg happening giler babs!!!!!!!!!!!!
cuz ade pengawas n probet punye amazing race...
and aku nk citer skit pe jd sabtu lpas k......mwahahaha..!!
aku dtg skolah pkol 8.1o pagi...jumpe fahana, kak ilyani ckp kne kumpol kt dataran antara blok C & D...o the way fi sne, jumpe..aina wit syuhaida.
the aina ckp, had...comelnyer bju ko.....winnie the pooh la..!!! alololo..comey2..!!
pstuh gi jenjalan kt blkg blok D, jumpe team choral speaking tgh practise...
ohoho.. jumpe diyana n alisya....dorg ckp, e,e.......pooh laa.....
p/s: korg xpna tgok bju pooh ka?
owh then ktorg bkumpul kt dataran....ilyani n sorg indian sis ni bg ucpn skit..
ktorg kne buat grup 10 ppl, kne ade name team n motto team...
so, grup aku tdiri drpd,....
kak syaza (the only pgawas in that grup..=))
pnolong ktorg,..x igt spe nme die.....
aishah (f1)
sblum start, ktorg mkn dlu....
the, gather blek,...
wat sesi kenal2....
nme grup ktorg,..ELECTROVOX..
gempak x?? hehehe...
and motto ktorg,...one for all, all for one.
pastuh, start amazin race...sumpa cam cuak gler ann....
1st check point yg ktorg pegi....
ktorg kne form gabungan team ktorg tp yg ade kt lntai kne 8kaki 2 tgn je.. da a pnas mse tuh, mmg tbakar r ktorg...
pstuh gi art class ckpoint...ktorg kne lukis perkataan "pengawas" gune kaki..tu pon ktorg x sempat abiskan..ke penalticonteng muke gune water color...
then..ktorg gi, chemistry ckpoint...
ktorg kne pas2 belon jgn kasi jatuh or pecah...
ktorg smpt abiskn belon, tp da lebey mase...so, our penalty is, ktorg kne simbah ngn air 3 baldi.....hua....hua...!!!
abs basah bju...
then ktorg gi...
peel, peel checkpoint...
ktorg kne bwk pisang antara kpale...
tp pair2 r... mmg tudung kotor cm tooooot..ktorg smpt wat, tp ne pnalty gak, conteng mke.huhu..
then gi..gule2 section, ktorg kne tiop tpong, utk amik gule2 kt dlm tuh....
mmg muke cun gler r...
yg tuh, ktorg lpas...xkne pnalty...
then gi jelly section, kne bwk jelly dlm sudu..
tu ktorg xlpas, kne lg connteng muke...!!!!
then gi, tembikai section, ktorg kne abskan tembikai dlm mase 4 mnt...smpat kea??
jwpn die...x smpat..haha..kne conteng muke lg...
pastuh gi section telur.....
kne past2 tlur yg slimy tuh...jgn kasi jatuh...
mmg bau ktorg harum arh....
yg tuh pon ktorg xkne penalty....
then, gi treasure hunt section...
ktorg kne carik brg2 dlm mase 4 minit....ktorg x cukup botol jer..
n x sempat...so, muke ktorg btambah....cantik....hihihihi....
n the last checkpoint is...ktorg kne nyanyi lagu skolah, sekuat yg mungkin,
then kne bace misi n visi skolah..
lagu skolah ktorg da ok, tp misi n visi x hafal.
kne coteng lg...
pstuh bile sumorg da abs, ktorg gather kt kntin..
nk umumkn sape menang..
and our team klh..cuz kkk f3 cheat!!!!
geram jer owh kt dorg....
then ucpn dari acap n ilyani....
pastuh balik......
mmg best gler r aritu....wlaupun muke, lawa skit dari antu......hehehee....
the end...
Posted by Had96 at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
ari slase best gler arhh....
dtg skola cm biase...then leppak2....
mase geog...msuk makmal komputerr..
then cikgu norma ckp,
korg, bilik ni kedap udare...kalo korg byk ckp, busukla bilik ni..hahah...
then sume bdak pompuan cam....tarik nafas dlm2....kuat2 plak tuh..konon2 tkejut laa....
cam bengong jer...pastuh gelak..hahahhh..poyooo.......!!!
owh yer......
markah geog akuu 82....
markah BI 84......
had_akuro hayashida.
Posted by Had96 at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
monthly exam....
ni markah aku....scare holistik nyer....gred aku..B!..
OKEY LARHH.....kankankan??
BM : 85
BI : xtaw ag lor...
M3 : 84 too bad..!
SC : 72.....+3 then da boley dpt A..huhuhu..tmbh laa markah ckgu...plz!!
SV : fail!!!!!! 100..
ERT (KH) : 73...
SEJ : 65...trok ann....ape punye melayu laa aku nih...
GEOG : xtaw lg....
PSV : 55 jer.....hu.......
Posted by Had96 at 7:22 PM 0 comments
bgun pkul 7.30....gi mandi....aku rase cm jamban tu da makin pendek plak......then da abs mndi, tetibe nmpak satu bnde putih yg pnjg......bile mate da clear....tgok2, jubah rupenyer......
urgggghh!! tension gileee.....!!!!!
sblum gi tahfiz, hafal dlu awl2...surah asshams dgn surah albalad....
korg igt senang nak hafalll.......???
then gi tahfiz,..ade jam plak... then aku ckp kat kkk aku,...ni tandenyer xleh gi tahfiz..kkk aku ckp, byk laa ko..ni tande nyer soh ko hafal lg.....huhu...btoi gak ennn?? igt kn ade accident ke ape...rupenyer2, dbkl uko jln,hampeh btull...
then smpai kat masjid negara, gi bratur dlu...nasyid asma ul husna, bca doa then dgr tazkirah dr ustz asri...huhhhuuh...pastuh msuk klas., mcm biase laa..tasmik' dgn ustz arif.....
da pkul 12...blik umah....
da la kbulorn sbb x mkn mse tahfiz,...blik2 umah, mak aku msk ikan sweet sour, kailan, sup sayur....fuhh...hingga menjilat jari kaki laa....!!!!
lpas mkn...,,trus tetido..pnat ouhh....
then, bgun2 tido jer pkul 6.30 ptg..dpn2 mate ade mknan...best gler...aku pe lg.....tapaw laa...ade laksa.....kledek gorengg......
pastuh...tgok jacky live game show kt tv..then gi mandi...,,
pastuh bkk komputer, tlg kakak aku wat minit mesyuarat pengawas.....
pastuh, tgok ABPBH.........best gler arh...tp x sgka nabil mnang, die bole pelok irma....heishh...anak org tu nabil!!!
then buat seni....lawaaaa..............
pastuh pkul 12, tido...sblum tido, kakak aku sempat sikat rambut, then die ckp,....rambut aku lmbut....prasan gile ouh!!!! the die ckp, dari jauh pun bleh nmpak.., lmbut kan.....
bla laa ko sanah!!!!!
ya lybly tebya...
had_akuro hayashida
Posted by Had96 at 4:49 PM 0 comments
=> spnjg minggu plas, x update blog lgsung...!
mlas lorhh....
so ari ni...nak cite skit psl ari sabtu n ahad....
igt nak cuti owh sabtu lpas......tp da ditakdirkan skolah......,,pegi jer larhh....
bgun2 tido jer......kene basuh kain, sidai kain, gosok baju..,kmas beg...then kmas lauk2, pastuh masak nasi..FULLSTOP. fuhh...pnat ouh..
then siap2 gi skolah..smpai skolah pkul 12.20. sempa skit gler owg...jumpe nadia liyana ALONE..
die ckp, nasib baik ko dtg had...aku ingat sumeorg x dtg td....
then kitorg borak2.....pastu atikah dtg..die ckp,..had, ilyana da pindah.
papejer la tikah..janji die BAHAGIE.....
then loceng da bunyi....sumorg da msuk dewan, aku g carik alif...~bkn nak wat pape, nak gi btugas laa....~~
jumpe die kat kantin, borak2 japp....then gi btugas..pastu ckp, wea, aku tgok cm xde org jer kat cni, blah laa jom. alif pun ckp, jom..hahaha! hampeh nyer probet..!
trussss masuk klas lpas bdak2 da bsurai g klas...dlm klas, owg sumpah cam SIKIT GLER!!
pastuh mira dtg n jerit....~koranggg......!! gi dewan skrg..!!! (ouh,...mira's the new ass. monitor)
so we all dlm klas pon gi laa dewann....then, sume bdak f1 n f2 yg dtg,......were categorizad to some group....Aku cam tcengang bangang jer bile jumpe my group...the girls are okay...tp boys die......mcm SHIT...!!! then kaunselor gtaw...each group kne wat sketsa psl ponteng n kburukan ponteng...kitorg sume cam....adoiiiyyy......!!!
then sume grup yg ter&di pilih mmg try their very best laa.....
lebi kurg pkol 3.30,...ktorg sume bsurai, gi rehat n naik klas blekk....
dlam klas...alisya n the gang..main true or dare..mse BI cuz tcher JC xdtgg...dorg mmg bising gler....n i dunno wats wrong wit me...I WUZ LEARNING KUMON WIT ILYA THE GENIUS....wtf?!! aku n ilya mmg irritated dgr grup true or dare to mmekak....(then i realized bfore this i pon byk mmekak sbnarnyer..) then cikgu halita msuk...ktorg sume main BM peribhase quiz although thats seni period..haha!! n the boys win dat quiz..=((
lpas smbhygg, blaja seni..TEKNIK LUKISAN => TITIK. my artwork wuz damn soo good...hahaa...ist time seni aku cunn....
lpastuh, science time....alisya n hamidah bgaduh psl seat dlm grup dorg kat lab...so, midah pindah to my grup yg peace, fair n lovely...!! hihihihi......
cikgu azreena buat lcd presentation science form 1.....boring gak time tu...da la gelap, then ngantok plak kn.....pastuh borak2 ngn ilya n midah....
midah citer laa pe yg blaku...then aku jawab....papo jo laa midah...janji ekau bhagio...
hahaha.......ckp minangg....!!
team alisya plak satu meja dgn aku...tp lain2 grup...then midah ckp kat diyana yg tgh monyok....
knape diyana, trase kea?? diyana pun ckp,..hish korang ni, asyik nak gaduh je.....
smpai balik laa dorg cmtuh...kesian2......
tu la...jgn syok2 sgt lainkali....yer!!
Posted by Had96 at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
sula lame tara update ini blog mehhh...
bzy exam lorhh...
xpe2...arini smbung blek..
so, sabtu lpas gi pd....,, mule2 ingat nk blek kg, tp..kakak aku nak sgt mandi laut,
so gi pd..
da smpai pd, crik hotel....tp sume full....cm bangang jea annn........
mule2 gi selesa beach resort, then bpak aku ckp, kiter survey dlu hotel2 lein..
kakak aku da frust...biase la kakak aku...spe x knal...
pstuh gi bayu beach resort....full gak..
jalan agiii......30 minit pastuh,..jumpe hotel La Paris....ade kosongg....tp laut dye kat tmpt punggah petrol..huh...trimas jer larhh...
blom smpat mndi da tbakar!
last2., da pkol 6.30, ktorg wat dcision blek gi selesa beach resort gakk....mmg ktorg da biase ngn hotel nih...
so, on the way gi selesa beach resort ni, jam plak...biaselarh...
kat ctu ade cm bazaar,.....so of couz pnoh....da leteyh gler....aku pun rse cam nak muntah dlm kete tuu.....mane x nyer, jalan , stop, jalan stop.....mabok aku!!
da smpai hotel.,,ayah aku cek in, book 2 blik( joining room...)
msuk blik...leteyh cam tooot@@@
pastuh, ayah aku ckp, ok, siap2...nak gi mkn ni!!!
aku pon jwb larh...alaa yah, ayh bli bungkus jer lah....
mlas la nak kuar...pnat....
then ayh kate; alaa mkn kt luar...balik nanti kite tapaw laa....
aku pon..hmmph...okey larh!!
then kuar...jumpe kdai mkn tepi jln, then mkn arhh......
tomyam campur, kailan ikan msin, daging masak merah, tlor dadar, n nasik 5 pinggan..
huhu....da mkn,...tapaw nasik goreng cine bungkus 3....bwk blik hotel..
pastuh, balik otel.
sbb sume org letih gler,...trus rehat2 then tidoo....
aku sorg jer x tido smpi pkol 4...sbb tgok discovery...psl future weapons n mcm2 lg....
hahaa....lapa lak mse tuh, mkn laa nasi goreng cine n maggi...then tdo..
aku org pling lmbat bgun pagi tuh..
sume org da mndi, aku bru tkedek2 bgun..
then gi sarapan kat matahari coffee house. hotel tu punyer...
first skali aku amek sosej..then amik poridge, pastuh amik nasik lmak, then amik cereal...
sian waiter tuh, lpas satu2 pinggan aku die kne kutip...hahahaha!!
kakak aku lg kbuloo.....nasik lmak, pastuh sosej, then roti, pastu mntak roti canai....!! doyyaii!!!
air fresh oren n juice guavaaa....
pastuh, blek blik, tukar bju..nak pi trjun lawoooot!!
then turun hotel...trus gi laut...
da msuk2 laut,...aku buat mcm gaye, thn nafas la, tjun gaye circle laa....ehehe....da lme x mndi laut org kate......
pastuh mak aku kate dye nak balik bilik, sbb x thn dok kat bwh matahari lame2....
then kakak aku n abg aku mule kutip kulit siput kat pasir laut tuh......dlm laut, bkn kat pntai...x logik annn......
dari pkul 9 smpai pkul 10.10 aku mndi kat laut tuh......
then balik blik, brendam dlm bathtub sjam...
pastuh, tros checkout..
on the way blek kl,singgah rnr seremban...mkn2,...then abg aku bli souvenir utk awek die...
mak aku bli kacangg....
thats all.....
ya lybly tebya....!!!!!
Posted by Had96 at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
tiru meniruuu....
hahahaaa......smalam punye pekse ramai gler tiru mniruu....eiman pon same....
ade ke patot dye gi tanye aku, jwpn sivik no 1 ape??
doyyaiii...sah x bce bkuu.....
syu lak tnye akuu, had no 32 36 37 29 40 ape jwpn??
ni lg sekor....
pdhal aku rase sivik laa yg plng senang skalii.......
.aku xtaw ape mslh bdak ni, tp smlm, die asyik pndg akuu jer..xtaw laa npee...
ko pker aku les?? nononono..i'm not, okeyy.....
mse pekse agame, satu kes lg tiru mniru....bdak laki arh...dak pompuan baik jer sume ann....
tp sah agame susah gler babs!!
cam nak pitam aku mnjawab nyooo.....
bi okey jerr.......xde tiru mniru...aku rse laa....heee!!
then lpas abs wat pekse, aku tgok luar, nmpak faidah, aishah n afiqa q pndg akuu...aku borak2 laa ngn dorg..gune bhase isyarat..
kat faidah...snyum n wat peace jeaa.....
sblom wat pekse bi, faishal tooot tu gi curik pensel akuu...aku ugut nak potong dia punye "tu"...,
trus die pulngkan...haha,.....kecot laa ko, faishal.....
pastu curik handkerchief putri...satu skolah aku lari bab kne kjar ngn putrii...jgn maraaa aaaa...
so arini, aku pekse....maths, pjk and geog....
maths aku just x phm lcm n hcf( ckit) geog byk fakta, ssh nak hafal...
pjk aku rse xde mslhh...
wish me luck yahhh!!!
sblom out, aku nak tnye,
trok sgt ke prangai aku nih, smpai ade org bnci kat aku??
ni aku nak habaq skit,
kalo hangpa bnci kat cek, gtaw jer lah....cek bole ubah,...
xyah laa smpai nak kutok cek kat org lain kn...
cek taw laa sapo diri cek nih....
tataa guyz.......ya skychay po tebe.
had_akuro hayashida
Posted by Had96 at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
one tired dayy at skoowl..
halu helo hola hi.....=)
here's a story bout what happened to me yesterdayy..
datang skolah pkul 10.30 cuz ckgu azreena ade wat science xtra class.smpai kat skolah, sorang kawan pon xde..~HAMPEHH!!~ satu skola aku tawaf, sorg pon x nmpk btg idongg...then gi kantin bli air...haus kott!!tetibe jumpe musuh@kawan kakak aku....si toot! jeling r kat die...die jeling aku balik....menjeling menjeling ku bertentang..!! heheh...smbung lek cter td eak...then aku kuar skola, dok kat tembk luar...pak guard tanye, skolah petang ke? aku jwb..yerp...
sambil tuggu member dtg, aku belek2 bku science....belek jea, x bce ponn...hahaa...10 min pstuh, midah n da gang dtg...ktorg pon gi jnjalan kat skolah,..jumpe cikgu azreena then gi xtra class dlm blik guru...
mse xtra class, sumpah bisingg...eiman n ed jer dpt attention cikguu...jeles gler!! amirul n faishal da frust dahh...hehee..sowiee bob!
habis class 12.15..tros g dewan, jumpe atikah n de gang....borak2, jenjalan...
pstuh gi kantin..."btugas"..! kat kantin, tande attendence kt kak syakirin, duduk2 ngn aza, syu n lavena...xmnde nak jage doew...tgh borak2, jumpe kakak aku n geng debat die . makan gile ~LAHAP~..
msuk klas....mse bdak2 nak kmas klas, sumpah dorg sume cam monyet...tmasoklah akuu....huru haara giler!!last2, aku gi tgok plan name kat eiman, then jerit....~'korang!!! 2 row meja ni tolak kblakg!!!'~
exam bm pon start arhh............
aku bangge smacam jea annn cuz nme aku ade dlm ktas pekse tuh...hahaah.!!!
then rehat&solat...mse solat sumorg ckp, ~had bgge laa name die ade.., alaa, had kan baik ngn ckgu farah..~ name diyana, eiman, fareez, izarul n hasyira pon ader larhh...rehat cm biase lepak2 ngn atikah n our gangg..syu yg ank mak tuh gi bwk nasi paprik byk giler!! hahaa.....
pas rehat, ade 2 jam lbey sblom exam science start...so, mule2 pker nak revise gler2 an....tp bile da bored, mule ar wat bnde ngarot....trus jd kurg waras,,=&&.........azan laa, takbir laa...wat bunyi anjing larhh...mmg happening gler time ngn ilya tu...
mse exam dah start, ckgu farah msuk...dye g kt tmpt aku, ktorg pokpekpokpek....
bdak len sume pndg doee....heee..:)) lps da abs wat ktas tuh, borak snyap2 ngn ilya...men juggle kasot la.....sumpah giler best!!
last2 cikgu azreena tgur, ~"hadhinah, kamu buat ape tu? pandang depan...."~ syu plak nyanyi cam org gler emo...
botol jadi mic, then ltak tgn kat tlingaa......
then mse exam abs....class sumpah bising blekk....buat jari fuck arh kt ed..guraw2 ngn ilya blek...
mse balik, ronggeng2 ngn bainatul bwah pokok...
syahmin dtg kte dye byk salah science n da nak nanges time tuh..
then kete bpk aku smpai...aku pon blekk....
thats all...
ya lybly tebya, my friends..
Posted by Had96 at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
hello all.....
arini exam bln mac doee....
doyyaii...bku satu ape aku x bcee....
punyer laa gabra..aku rase taun2 lpas, mse nak pekse aku xpna gabra cniey...
mslh btul lahh....
hrp2 aku bjaye pass pekse nih...
ciaouas, nak gi xtra class....
Posted by Had96 at 6:39 PM 0 comments
new blogg
hahaa...pepagi bute nih kan....drpd x wat ppe..bek aku wat sumthingg...wlopun x bfaedah kn..hehe..
so, stelah bpikir lbeh kurg 75 saat, aku rse nak wat blog ark..
yelarh, member2 aku sume da ade blog..
nti pe lak dorg ckp klo aku ni xde blog...mcm "maju" sgt la plak kan..hehe..
so this is my new blog...welcome biatches...
Posted by Had96 at 6:07 PM 0 comments